Shop Hours:
Monday - Friday 10-3
We have extended hours around Holidays, please call!

Daily delivery available for Sympathy tributes

Special Occasions ~ Call NOW - 815-363-8568

Traditional vased dozen roses Traditional Vase Dozen Roses
$95.00; Half dozen $49.95
Many Gorgeous colors!

$55 $75 and up

Celebration of Love
$55.95, $65.95 and up

Beautiful assorted colored roses
Beautiful Assorted Colored Roses
Dozen $95.00 Half $49.95

Bearington Holden 16 inch Bear
Bearington Holden 16 inch Bear


  Designer’s Choice
We will create the perfect vase!
$54.95, $64.95 & up

Serving McHenry
and Lake Counties
 for over 33 years

For Daily Updates

Friendly, Personal Service

Free Gift Wrapping  

We take:
, MasterCard and Discover

Cardinal LED shimmer lantern
Cardinal LED Shimmer Lantern

USB or battery
7 “ x 9 “ x 3 3/4 “

  Hummingbird LED Shimmer Lantern
USB or Battery
10.5” x 4.5”

Petite LED Shimmer Lantern
Cute to send along with your flowers!

3.5” x 4.5”
Batteries included
Cardinal or Butterfly


Petite LED shimmer lantern Petite LED Shimmer Lantern
Cute to send along with your flowers!

3.5” x 4.5”
Batteries included
Cardinal or Butterfly


Popular Items  

Valentine Vase
$60, $75, and up
Valentine vase

Pretty Hot! Pink
$65, $75 and up
Pretty Hot! Pink

Home for the Holidays
$49.95 and up
Home for the holidays

Please go to our Facebook page
for weekly specials
and limited specialty items

  Butterfly wishes basket
  Butterfly Wishes Basket
(Also have magenta and purple butterflies)
$59.95, $74.95, $99.95

Jewel Tones of Love Basket
$59.95 & $69.95

Love jewelry set
Love Jewelry Set
Send with your flowers


T's Toffee
One pound box for $27.95
Half-pound box for $16.00