Special Occasions ~ Call NOW - 815-363-8568
Traditional Vase Dozen Roses
$95.00; Half dozen $49.95
Many Gorgeous colors!
$55 $75 and up

Celebration of Love
$55.95, $65.95 and up

Beautiful Assorted Colored Roses
Dozen $95.00 Half $49.95

Bearington Holden 16 inch Bear

Designer’s Choice
We will create the perfect vase!
$54.95, $64.95 & up
Serving McHenry
and Lake Counties
for over 33 years

For Daily Updates
Friendly, Personal Service
Free Gift Wrapping
We take:
Visa, MasterCard and Discover

Cardinal LED Shimmer Lantern
USB or battery
7 “ x 9 “ x 3 3/4 “
$62.95 |

Hummingbird LED Shimmer Lantern
USB or Battery
10.5” x 4.5”
Petite LED Shimmer Lantern
Cute to send along with your flowers!
3.5” x 4.5”
Batteries included
Cardinal or Butterfly
Petite LED Shimmer Lantern
Cute to send along with your flowers!
3.5” x 4.5”
Batteries included
Cardinal or Butterfly
Popular Items
Valentine Vase
$60, $75, and up

Pretty Hot! Pink
$65, $75 and up

Home for the Holidays
$49.95 and up

Please go to our Facebook page
for weekly specials
and limited specialty items

Butterfly Wishes Basket
(Also have magenta and purple butterflies)
$59.95, $74.95, $99.95

Jewel Tones of Love Basket
$59.95 & $69.95

Love Jewelry Set
Send with your flowers

T's Toffee
One pound box for $27.95
Half-pound box for $16.00